For starters, let's take a look at these scans from January's Elle. Many people seem to think blush is only for the show girls, ballerinas, or the elderly, but this is definitely not the case! Blush can look good on anyone (with any face shape!) for every day wear, no special occasion needed!

Alright, so now that you know where and in what general shape you should apply your blush, time to break out the how-to's for the types of blush.
Cremes: Are great for colour that you really want to see. Watch out because these can easily be over-applied. For fair skin tones, stick to the pale pinks and pretty peaches. I recommend Maybelline's Dream Mousse Blush in Pink Frosting (my personal favorite, wear it every day) or Rose Petal. For medium skin tones, stick to the plums, mauves, and lighter corals. Try the Dream Mousse Blush in Cloud Wine or Soft Plum. For darker skin tones, opt for the richer hues like rosey taupes and deep wines. Try the Dream Mousse Blush in Soft Plum or Coffee Cake.

Powders: Are great for layering to get the perfect intensity of colour. I don't have many tips on which blushes to try but again, stick with the colouring mentioned above for your specific skin tone. I do know, however, that Loreal's powder blushes are what we used to use for dance recitals (aka they're -extremely- noticeable). I would opt for trying Maybelline's powder blushes or perhaps Cover Girl's if you want a softer hue, or, if your wallet doesn't mind taking a hit, I've heard wonders about Benefit's powder blushes (Georgia Peach) or NARS's Blush in Orgasm.

Liquids: Should be applied under foundation if it is an intense colour. I recommend Benefit's Posie Tint (it's more of a stain than a normal liquid, but not too richly coloured), which also looks great on lips!
Happy blushing everyone!

(pictures courtesy of: Elle,,
Listening: Le Mepris - Camille by Georges Delerue
Love always, Belle