'Cause this is about to get pretty. {The Naturale} is under construction and will be back with new posts very soon! (EDIT: the remodel is taking longer than anticipated so it will debut in stages while posts continue regularly.)
Apply & get accepted to school for health & exercise physiology/ biology.
Paintings (Exterior of "dream house," Portrait, Flower/s, at least 1 landscape, & a still life)
Visit friends in NC
Help brother strip wallpaper, paint room
Help grandma move into her new place
Learn to sew better/ use a sewing machine (since Nana will be here)
Purchase hiking boots and lite-weight rain jacket
Go thru Music Library & computer folders
Find & print photo of mom & myself to finally put in the frame I got her for Mother's day a few years ago
Organize sites. Make headers/ footers/ logo/ customize designs/ decide upon color schemes, etc. (in general, just refurbish or finish designs for each)
Learn to be more patient with myself, others, & life in general. "Stop to smell flowers along the way," with confidence that comes from knowing that I won't lose sight of my dreams/goals/ my love, family, friends, pets, & passions
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