Wednesday, August 20, 2008


So, for the second time, I’m going to reference the Olympics and deem this post the silver medalist in The Naturale’s blog history, archive, whatever you want to call it. This time, instead of ranting about its semi-chaotic birth, I’m getting right down to business-- fashion business that is. While exploring the new campaigns of my various favorite designers via their online sites, I stumbled across the fall Versace men’s ware. For those of you who watch 'Grey’s Anatomy,' have seen Enchanted (um... gag?), Made of Honor, or even Freedom Writers, you will appreciate the following photos that I was so gleeful in finding. And if you somehow don’t happen to know Patrick Dempsey, a little bit of sophisticated man candy never hurt anybody, anyways.

-Dempsey for Versace Men’s Ware Fall 2008-

And of course the wom
en's line is just as good. It is Versace after all. Plus I really like Isabeli Fontana. She has such a strong, memorable face in the modeling world. The colors in the collection are definitely igniting some shopping sparks for me, what about you? I'm thinking deep purple a-line dress and shiny, black tights perhaps? Or maybe a vibrant, deep pink strappy/ mummy bandage-esque top with a faded dark leather jacket and a creamy linen skirt?

-Versace Fall 2008-

 Okay I must confess that it took me WAY too long to finish the 'banner' at the top. As soon as I would finish piecing one together and adjusting it just so, the program would freeze and/or quit on me. And since I have a great relationship with my laptop (go macs!), i.e. this doesn't happen very often, I didn't take the few seconds of time to save the various projects as I was creating them. So basically each time-- all three times that is, that the stupid program malfunctioned on me I lost everything I had created. This banner was the first to survive the dreaded Graphic Converter seizures. It has more of a fall/winter feel to it so as soon as I make another, sunnier one I'll put that one up instead.

Currently listening: Kings of Leon


1 comment:

Merily said...

These colors are so beautiful :)