Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Many Pardons

So sorry I've been absent lately! I really have had no time to blog in the past couple weeks. Applications are taking over (aka crushing)  my life right now-- enough said. Anyways, I hope to get on here once the whole process is good and done but I'm not entirely sure when that will be. There is so much fashion news I'd love to blog about... like the current fashion weeks! (plus some pretty stellar style-bloggers, trends in accessories, and of course the plaid craze)-- not to mention that I've been wanting to get around to another IB (insp. board) or two. But alas, all of this will have to wait. Even the debriefing on how to rock the 'cozy chic' look will have to wait until a later date. The only thing I can really offer right now is a new header! (yay?) As you'll notice it is much more in line with the season-- it's fall! At any rate, have a wonderful next couple of weeks. 
Until I find time to post something of value...


Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Oh the illusions that I weave. The illusion that I am organized when in reality anybody who knows me knows that I live in a  room that quite nearly could be considered the epitome of pigsties. I am creative, sure, imaginative, artistic and good with aesthetics... but I am one of the messiest people ever. I'm probably the only person who can find anything in my carefully-crafted messes; even though my handbags and book bag and commodities that travel with me during the day give the very opposite impression. Anyways, not much time to chat but I wanted to post this inspiration board (IB) so it looks like I'm actually making an effort to get on here. Maybe this week end I'll be able to post something a smidgen more extensive? I should definitely post something on how to rock the comfort clothes-- you know, kind of like the foods (macaroni & cheese, soups, hot chocolate, cider, et cetera) but far more stylish and wheat, glutton, dairy, sugar, and peanut free. It really is an art to get the messy chic look perfectly and beautifully undone. Dirty and slob are never words one wants to associate with fashion, style, or oneself. But more on that later. Until then mes chéris!

(photos: tfs, elle, style.com)

Currently listening: If You're Out There - John Legend

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Here and Gone

Can you feel it? Summer's fading, fleeting, almost gone. I know I can. And while the weather is still as hot as ever, the care-free ambience of summer feels so far away. But the thing is, it doesn't depress me or make me sad. I love autumn. I love fall. I love autunno, outono, herbst. I love whatever you want to call the season in between summer and winter. I don't know about you but I always get shivers (the good kind!) when the cool breeze ruffles your hair and smells of autumn leaves-- so much so that you can almost smell all of the colours. The pumpkins, the long walks, apple cider, the (now veg for me)  version of Thanksgiving turkey dinner, little girls dressed up as princesses, little boys dressed up as ghouls, goblins, beasts-- you know, those incredibly cute, not scary at all monsters. It's a beautiful season and I love it.

In honor of fall here's my first fall 08 inspiration board. 

(photos: tfs, elle.com, St. John's, DKNY, Burberry, sephora)

I'm predicting that purples, maroons, burgundies, and deep navy blues are going to be in this season (as well as solid oranges --which are often one of the hardest colours to wear, and blacks/ grays [but has that ever really changed from well... the 1800's?]). For everything from make up (especially, maroon shadows are going to be big) to tights (yes we all know leggings are going quickly and tights are definitely more fashionable), these colours will rock these next couple of months. (Until the winter days hit for which I'm expecting the deep reds, classic liquid-lined eyes, peacoats, romantic Victorian-esque boots (with semi-frilly edging, decoratively tasteful buttons, and lace appliqués perhaps?) and massive scarves will return as usual). If you're confused with the colours this fall just look to the Nine West ads for a little direction: Les couleurs sont très chic, non?

Currently Listening: Time to Pretend - MGMT, Autumn in New York - Frank Sinatra
