Saw 'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince' today. Some have said it was just as good as the others, but personally I thought not. Where was the magic that the first one radiated? How about the character development and depth from the second and third? Or the thrill and excitement of the fourth and fifth? I simply could not find any of it. It was... dare I say... bland. Very, very bland. Maybe it is the fact that I read the books intently, but this sixth film installment just did not make my cauldron bubble, if you will. The music was blah, the action was unexciting, the magical creatures done-before.

There was, however, one aspect of the movie I enjoyed. Emma Watson. More specifically, her intense poise and self-assuredness that she has not only when playing Hermione, but also off the screen. Burberry anyone?

(at the opening of The Half-Blood Prince)

(arriving at the early show)

(photos courtesy of

Listening: Le Gang- BB Brunes
Love always, Belle
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